Building a Laser Cutter: Part 2 – Mechanical Build

After designing my laser cutter, the next step was to order the parts and assemble the machine.

Because Actobotics parts are made and sold from USA, they are hard to come by in Europe (unless you want to pay high import taxes and shipping). In the end, I found an Italian shop ( / which sold pretty much everything I needed. Some other parts I ordered from Ebay or Amazon. The aluminium base plate was cut and delivered by

Mechanical components

From Amazon:

From Ebay:

From Steplab:

From Aluminium Online Shop:

Electrical components

From Amazon:

From Ebay:

  • 445nm 12V 2.5W diode laser module (Listing expired) ~80€ [nowadays, those are much cheaper]

From Steplab:


In total, it was not the cheapest build I ever made. I think it ran somewhere just about 600€. But oh well, it’s for science.

After all parts had been delivered, the construction could begin.
The base frame done, and boths rails assembled.
Close up of the x carriage. The screws were eventually shortened.
First full mechanical assembly.
Close up of the y carriage.

You can find the other parts of this series here.

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